The Complete Guide to React Refs

Everything you need to know about Refs in React.

The React API is fairly simple, even though it has been growing bigger. With recent features such as Context and Hooks, the whole ecosystem has become more complete. Yet, some concepts are usually a source of struggle for beginners and even experienced developers. One of them is the Refs API.

Short for “reference”, refs are a way to access underlying DOM elements in a React component. There are many reasons why you would want to access the DOM. Common use cases are managing focus (critical for accessibility) and triggering animations. In this post, you will learn how to properly use refs, how to use the current API, and decide when to approach one over the other.

The Problem with Refs

Manipulating DOM elements is JavaScript 101. So why is it that devs don’t feel comfortable using refs?

Imperative Paradigm

Refs are basically imperative. This contrasts with the declarative nature of React. To illustrate this, consider the following comparison between attaching an event handler to old-school JavaScript and modern React:

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="my-custom-button">Click me!</div>
// Vanilla JavaScript
var onClick = function() { console.log("Clicked!"); }
var button = document.getElementById("my-custom-button");
button.addEventListener(‘click’, onClick);

In conventional JavaScript, you would tell exactly how you want your code to proceed with the onClick handler. You would select the element and then attach the handler to it using the JavaScript API.

If you were to implement this in React, your code would be something like this:

// React
const customButton = () => {
  const onClick = () => console.log("Clicked!");
  return <div onClick={onClick}>Click me!</div>

Aside from the obvious syntax sugar, notice that we declare what we expect to happen on click, without bothering too much about how we do it. This is the basic difference between those two approaches. Now, with refs you proceed very much like the first example: you define how to control the element. More details in a bit…

Multiple APIs

When refs were first born, the React team encouraged the use of string refs. This is no longer the case as this API will be deprecated. A powerful alternative was introduced: callback refs. But all this power came with a price – callback refs are more verbose and may behave oddly. In order to simplify things, the createRef API came into play. And finally, after Hooks were introduced, useRef emerged. But, because there are four ways of doing the same thing, people started losing faith in refs. Let’s fix this.

Deciding Between Callback Refs and createRef

With string refs condemned to the antique section of the React museum, a vital question remains: should we use callback refs or the createRef API?

The short answer is that most of the time you can safely use the createRef API. Although you can always achieve the same result using callback refs, recall that this new API was specially crafted in order to simplify your experience. You can look at its RFC in order to understand the React team’s motivations behind it. In short, the goal was to maintain the simplicity of the deprecated string refs and purposely keep a simple API, leaving callback refs for more complex use cases.

In order to clarify the examples included in this post, I created a simple cheat sheet that you can check anytime during your reading. The code is available on GitHub.

Consider then the common case when you want to programmatically trigger focus on an element:

class SimpleRef extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.inputRef = React.createRef();

  onClick() {

  render() {
    return (
        <input ref={this.inputRef} />
        <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>Click to Focus</button>

The API is very simple. You first define a ref, assign it to the element you want to manipulate and call focus on ref’s current property.

This is how to achieve the same using callback refs:

class SimpleCallbackRef extends Component {

  onClick() {

  render() {
    return (
        <input ref={ref => { this.inputRef = ref; }} />
        <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>Click to Focus</button>

Notice that although you don’t need to manually create a ref anymore, the callback function ref => { this.inputRef = ref; } looks less natural. But there’s also an annoying caveat. Consider the following example:

class InlineCallbackRefWithReRender extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  onClick() {
    this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});

  render() {
    return (
        <input ref={ref => { this.inputRef = ref; }} />
        <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>Click to Focus</button>

Now, we also trigger a re-render when the state changes. This has the peculiarity of calling the callback twice: first time with null and then with the correct value. The docs also reserve a section to explain this.

It means that the following would raise an error (ref is null during the first call):

<input ref={ref => ref.focus() } />

You can fix this by adding a safe condition ref => ref && ref.focus() or by binding the callback to a class method in the constructor. However, it won’t help if you bind directly in the render function.

class ConstructorBoundCallbackRefWithReRender extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = { count: 0 };
    // Need to bind in the constructor
    this.onRefMount = this.onRefMount.bind(this);

  onClick() {
    this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1})

  onRefMount(ref) {
    // Good! Called only once, during mounting
    this.inputRef = ref;

  render() {
    return (
        <input ref={this.onRefMount} />
        <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>Click to Focus</button>

Notice how close to the createRef API it has become. Also, you are probably disappointed with callback refs already. They are too fragile. There are too many ways to break things and there are too many things to try and remember correctly.

Drama aside, it is clear why the React team has favored the createRef API for simple cases, which should be enough most of the time. Since I’m a fan of APIs which require me to think less, and therefore are less error-prone, createRef is the winner here.

Function Components

In order to simplify things even more, consider writing a function component:

const FunctionComponentWithRef = () => {
  const textInput = React.createRef();
  return (
      <input ref={textInput} />
      <button onClick={() => textInput.current.focus()}>
        Click to Focus

Which works fine in this simple case but is limited once function components can’t do everything a class does. Fortunately, with Hooks becoming official since React 16.8.0, this has changed. More about Hooks later.

The Case for Callback Refs

Sure, createRef provides a simple API. Still, callback refs weren’t deprecated. What’s good about them?

Consider the case when you need to create refs dynamically. Using createRef you first create and then assign the reference. This may put you in trouble when your ref does not share the same lifecycle as the parent.

Imagine a situation where the user can create a dynamic list of tasks, stacked upon each other, and each task has a button that when clicked scrolls to the task. In other words, you want this.

How would you do that?

import randomColor from 'randomcolor';

class DynamicRefs extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      // Here we have a dynamic array
      tasks: [
        { name: "Task 1", color: "red" },
        { name: "Task 2", color: "green" },
        { name: "Task 3", color: "yellow" },
        { name: "Task 4", color: "gray" }
    this.refsArray = [];

  render() {
    return (
        <div><button onClick={() => {
          const newTasks = this.state.tasks.concat([{
            name: "Task " + this.state.tasks.length + 1,
            color: randomColor() // Just assign some random color
          this.setState({tasks: newTasks});
        }}>Add new Task</button></div>
        {, i) => (
            onClick={() => { this.refsArray[i].scrollIntoView(); }}>
            Go to {}
        {, i) => (
            ref={ref => { 
              // Callback refs are preferable when 
              // dealing with dynamic refs
              this.refsArray[i] = ref; 
            style={{height: "300px", backgroundColor: task.color}}>

Notice that because this.state.tasks is dynamic, whenever your component re-renders you use the callback ref to store the reference. Even if you manipulate the tasks array, you have your back covered.

In all fairness, you still can achieve the same result using createRef. But, in this case, it will be your responsibility to update this.refsArray every time this.state.tasks changes. Again, this is more error-prone. If you are curious, here’s a possible way of doing it.

Adding Refs to Children Components

All examples so far assume that we needed to assign refs to native DOM elements, such as an input, and that those elements were visible to the render function. How do you proceed if that’s not the case?

One might be tempted to write something like this:

function CustomInput() {
  return <input />;

class SimpleRef extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.textInput = React.createRef();
  render() {
    // Won’t work
    return (
      <CustomInput ref={this.textInput} />

But this won’t work. The issue is that function components don’t have instances, and therefore any attempt to set a reference on it will fail.

The solution is fairly simple — although a bit odd. You define the component that should be “remotely operable” (thus forward his ref to his parent) by using a special API called forwardRef. This is especially handy when you create reusable components, as the docs point out.

Our initial example with forwardRef would look like this:

// It MUST be a function component
const CustomInput = React.forwardRef((props, ref) => (
  <input ref={ref} />

class SimpleRefForwarding extends Component {

  constructor() {
    this.inputRef = React.createRef();

  onClick() {

  // Notice that now we assign the ref to a custom component
  render() {
    return (
        <CustomInput ref={this.inputRef} />
        <button onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>
          Click to Focus

Notice that nothing changes in the parent component (besides switching from the native input element to CustomInput). The child element then uses the forwardRef API to make the input ref available to its parent.

This approach has a caveat — forwardRef only works with function components. This means that you can’t use any of the quirks that come with class components (e.g. state or lifecycle hooks) if you opt for forwardRef, unless you use Hooks.

If you really want to, you still can attach a ref to a class component. In this case you get the component instance, which means that you can call their methods from the parent. This pattern is exemplified here. Although this works, chances are that you don’t need it. Refs aren’t meant to be overused and exposing children refs to parents breaks encapsulation. The docs talk about this in greater detail.

The useRef Hook

As of React 16.8, Hooks are officially available. While React was always about creating UI elements and reusing components, Hooks make it extremely trivial to reuse logic. Conveniently, there is a useRef hook that represents a mutable object that you want to persist across the component’s lifetime.

Our simple example with Hooks could be elegantly rewritten as:

const RefsWithHooks = () => {
  const inputRef = useRef(null);
  return (
      <input ref={inputRef} />
      <button onClick={() => inputRef.current.focus()}>Click to Focus</button>

Which is smaller and arguably less verbose. Check the cheat sheet for an example with dynamic refs. If Hooks are available in your project, I recommend using Hooks whenever possible, once they eliminate most of the quirks we’ve seen in this article and are more powerful than class instances.

Wrapping Up

The way to handle refs in React has changed over time but it seems to have settled now. I hope that I have covered most use cases and how to properly use the API. If you are ever in doubt, remember to consult the cheat sheet and check the repo.

Finally, as a rule of thumb:

  • Don’t overuse refs
  • Abolish string refs
  • Use callback refs when you have to dynamically set them
    • When in a class component, use createRef in all other cases
    • When in a function component, use useRef in all other cases
  • Use forwardRef when you need access to a child ref
    • Use Hooks to empower your function component
    • If the child ref must not be a function component, then use a custom method to trigger focus programmatically from the parent (remember you will get a component instance, not a DOM element)

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