Software Engineering How to Become a Bad Developer Discover the most efficient way to not succeed as a developer.
Software Engineering How to Reuse Logic with React Hooks Learn why Hooks are a game-changer and write your first hook.
Software Engineering The Complete Guide to React Refs Everything you need to know about Refs in React.
Software Engineering Iniciando na Web - Apresentação Primeiro artigo de uma série ensinando a iniciar no mundo do desenvolvimento web.
Software Engineering How to Scrape Twitter with Puppeteer Learn how to use Puppeteer to crawl tweets without using the official API.
Software Engineering How to Efficiently Go From Idea to Prototype in React A guide for fast interface designs.
Software Engineering Building an Online IRR Calculator with React We are done with the theory, now let's get our hands in the dirty.
Software Engineering Understanding the Net Present Value (NPV) with JavaScript NPV and IRR with bits of math and chunks of computer science.
Software Engineering Introducing React Line Chart Easily visualize your data with a customizable line chart.